

A pathogen is something that causes disease. 

Study this Power Point Presentation about Pathogens and Human Illness 

Germs (Pathogens)

Click here to see a video related to pathogens 

What are parasites?

Some common infectious Diseases Worlwide

Malaria (is caused by a protozoan of the genus Plasmodium) is a serious, sometimes fatal, parasitic disease transmitted by the bite of a mosquito. Symptoms include severe chills, fever, sweating, confusion, and great thirst. 

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacteriumTreponema pallidum. If it is not treated, it can cause paralysis, blindness, and even death.

Chlamydia is a bacterial sexually transmitted disease marked by painful urination and vaginal discharge. 

Gonorrhea is a bacterial sexually transmitted disease that results in the inflammation of the mucous membranes in the urinary and reproductive tracts. 

  Watch this video about Pathogens and Illness


Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (called yeast infection or thrush) is a type of infectious disease. It is a fungal infection (mycosis). The disease is caused by any of the Candida species of yeast. Candida yeasts are common in most people. The yeast is usually controlled in the body. When the yeast grows without control, an infection happens.


1.What conditions must be met before a specific pathogen is proved to cause a disease?
   The condition in Koch's postulates; the pathogen must be found in all individuals
   with the disease, be cultured, be reintroduced into a healthy individual and make 
   that individual sick, and then be risolated from the newly sick individual.
2.Name five general types of pathogens.
   bacteria, viruses, fungi, protozoa, parasites. 
3.What are some ways in which pathogens spread?
      By direct and indirect contact.

Critical thinking

1.How do bacteria and viruses differ in the ways they affect cells in the body?
   Bacteria release chemicals that are toxic to the body or destroy healthy body cells.
   Viruses enter and take over healthy cells, forcing them to stop their normal activity
   and produce more viruses. Both bacteria and viruses destroy healthy cells.
2.How did the work of Lister and Koch support Pasteur's germ theory of disease?
   Lister showed that living things cause infection because when he applied an acid          that would kill cells, infection was prevented in his patients, Koch showed that living    things cause illness by isolation germs.